Is Turmeric Good for Dogs in Their Food? – CanaPaks
Is Turmeric Good for Dogs in Their Food

Is Turmeric Good for Dogs in Their Food?

Apr 13, 2024

Hassan Tariq

People who want to treat their dog's aches and pains sometimes question, "Is turmeric good for dogs?" In general, the answer is yes.


Turmeric is an Asian plant from the ginger family. This plant's powder is commonly used by chefs in Asian meals, curries, sauces, and soups to add color or taste to foods. Turmeric is also widely used to add color and flavor to pre-packaged human and pet foods. The spice has a strong earthy flavor and a deep, dark yellow hue.


Can Dogs Eat Turmeric?

Turmeric is safe for dogs in small quantities and may have a beneficial effect. According to one study, curcumin, a well-studied phytonutrient contained in turmeric, may promote good mobility of joints and comfort.

Turmeric might be included as an ingredient on your dog's food label. Its objective is to improve the color and/or taste of the food, but not to give anti-inflammatory benefits.

It turns out that the amount of turmeric used to color or flavor dog food are unlikely to provide any significant health advantages. So, while turmeric is safe for dogs in tiny amounts, consuming it in dog food is unlikely to provide them with the anti-inflammatory advantages that the spice is lauded for in humans.



turmeric for dog



Turmeric for Dogs: Joint & Digestive Health Boost

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory effects make it useful for treating common joint diseases including arthritis. However, if you decide to buy turmeric pills to treat your dog's joints, make sure to use them as a supplement in addition to other therapies your dog is receiving, rather than as a cheaper alternative to veterinary care.

In addition to addressing joint problems, turmeric can aid dogs with digestive disorders by increasing the production of bile in the liver, which helps break down food faster and makes your dog feel more comfortable after eating. Turmeric is also regarded as an effective antioxidant, which is beneficial to your dog's diet because it may lower the chance of acquiring numerous diseases and malignancies.


How Many Grams of Turmeric Should I Give My Dog Each Day?

Turmeric is safe for dogs at a daily dose of 1/8 - ¼ tsp per 10 Ib body weight. If you want to put turmeric into your dog's diet, begin with tiny doses to see how your dog reacts to it, gradually increasing the amount you give him over a period of weeks until you reach the suggested quantity for your dog's weight.


Are There Any Negative Effects From Giving Turmeric to Dogs?

Although turmeric is thought of as safe, like with any supplement or medication, some dogs may experience negative effects, particularly if a high dose is used. The most serious side effects include upset stomach, bruising, clotting troubles, and gallbladder problems.

As a result, we always recommend consulting your veterinarian before giving your dog a turmeric supplement to ensure that the proper quantity is given and that it will not interact with any other medications they are on.


In conclusion

Although scientific study into turmeric for dogs is still in its early stages, the evidence we have seen so far showing turmeric's benefits is clearly promising. However, the effects of turmeric are still insufficient to use as a single therapy and should be used in combination with any other veterinarian treatment that your dog is undergoing.

If your dog is not being treated for joint problems, you should consult a vet before starting them on turmeric to avoid any negative side effects such as stomach or blood problems.

However, this is just an insurance policy, since turmeric has been recognized as not only safe for dog intake but also potentially beneficial to their health and discomfort. Read more...