Is Pink Himalayan Salt Better Than Normal Salt? – CanaPaks
Is Pink Himalayan Salt Better Than Normal Salt

Is Pink Himalayan Salt Better Than Normal Salt?

Apr 13, 2024

Hassan Tariq

"Pink Himalayan salt is less refined than table salt, therefore it may contain some nutrients and minerals. It could deliver health benefits"

Pink Himalayan salt, produced by the Himalayas in Pakistan, can be identified by its natural pink hue. Supporters highlight its high mineral content and supposed health benefits, presenting it as an ideal substitute to normal table salt. Despite these claims, research into its health benefits remains rare. While some claim it has the potential to improve health outcomes, others dismiss such claims as unproven speculation. The article will examine the differences between pink Himalayan salt and normal table salt, going into the available information to establish whether all the fuss around its health advantages is accurate. In essence, it seeks to address the question: Is pink salt good for you?


What Is Salt?

Salt is an element that is mostly composed of the chemical sodium chloride. Because salt contains approximately 98% sodium chloride by weight, the terms "salt" and "sodium" are commonly used interchangeably. Salt can be made by evaporating saltwater or collecting solid salt from deep salt mines. Before it reaches the supermarket store, table salt is processed to remove impurities and any minerals other than sodium chloride. Anticaking chemicals are sometimes used to assist remove humidity, and iodine is frequently added to help consumers avoid iodine shortage. For thousands of years, humans have utilized salt for flavoring and preserving meals. Surprisingly, sodium plays a crucial part in various biological functions, such as fluid equilibrium, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. As a result, salt, or sodium, is a crucial part of your diet. 



Salt, which is primarily sodium chloride, helps control critical processes in the body. Because of potential negative consequences of excessive salt use, many people have switched to pink Himalayan salt.


What Exactly is Pink Himalayan Salt?

Pink Himalayan salt is a pink salt extracted from the Khewra Salt Mine near the Himalayas in Pakistan. Khewra Salt Mine is one of the world's oldest and largest salt mines. The pink Himalayan salt extracted from this mine is thought to have developed millions of years ago by the dissolution of ancient collections of water. The salt is hand-extracted and little processed, resulting in a raw product that is free of additives and said to be far more natural than table salt.


pink himalayan salt


Pink Himalayan salt, like table salt, is made up mainly of sodium chloride. However, due to the natural collection process, pink Himalayan salt contains many additional minerals and trace elements that conventional table salt does not.

Some believe it may include up to 84 distinct minerals and trace elements. In fact, it is these minerals, particularly iron, that give it its distinctive pink hue.


Pink Himalayan Salt Has More Minerals.

Both table salt and pink Himalayan salt are primarily sodium chloride, but pink Himalayan salt contains up to 84 additional minerals and trace elements. These include both typical minerals like calcium and potassium and less well-known minerals like sodium and molybdenum. One study examined the mineral composition of different kinds of salts, included pink Himalayan salt and normal table salt.


The following is an examination of well-known minerals contained in a gram of both salts:

 Pink Himalayan Salt

Table Salt 

Calcium (mg)



Potassium (mg)



Magnesium (mg)



Iron (mg)



Sodium (mg)




 As you can see, pink Himalayan salt has higher calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

They are present in tiny quantities that it would need 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg) of pink Himalayan salt to get the suggested daily intake of potassium, for example. Needless to say, that is an excessive amount of salt to consume.



Pink Himalayan salt includes minerals that are not found in normal salt. However, these elements are found in trace amounts and are unlikely to give any health benefits.


Why Does The Body Need Salt?

Salt contains sodium, an essential trace mineral. The body requires this for a number of functions.

It can support: 

Muscle contraction and relaxation, fluid balance, nerve impulse transmission, and blood pressure regulation are all important functions.

Recent research suggests that consuming salt can lower the possibility of infection and eliminate hazardous microorganisms.

One animal study led researchers to conclude that salt may have a beneficial influence on depressive symptoms.


Related Topics:

Where To Buy Pink Himalayan Salt In Canada

8 Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt


Risks and considerations

Iodine Intake

Iodine is an element that the body need to maintain appropriate function of the thyroid and cell metabolism. Fish, sea veggies, dairy, and eggs, among other foods, are excellent providers of iodine.

Iodized salt is one popular supply of this trace mineral. Iodized salt is used by around 75% of homes in the United States.

Pink Himalayan salt may contain some iodine naturally, although it is unlikely to contain as much as iodized salt does. As a result, persons who have an iodine shortage or are at risk of developing one may need to get their iodine from somewhere else if they use pink salt instead of table salt.


Sodium Intake

Although sodium is vital for survival, it is critical to limit your intake of any sort of salt. While salt is important in modest amounts, excessive consumption can be harmful to one's health.

Those with urinary, heart, or liver problems, or those on a salt-restricted diet, should watch their intake of sodium and limit their usage of all salts, including pink Himalayan salt.


Too Much Salt

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that consumers consume fewer than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of salt per day. This means to about one teaspoon of normal table salt each day.

People with hypertension should limit their intake of sodium to 1500 milligrams per day. Consult a nutritionist to find out what changes to diet might be done to reduce sodium intake.

Salt contains 40% sodium. When trying to limit sodium intake, it can be useful to know how much sodium is in different amounts of salt.


Different amounts of salt contain the following sodium levels:

1/4 teaspoon salt equals 575 milligrams sodium.
1/2 teaspoon salt is 1,150 milligrams sodium.
3/4 teaspoon salt equals 1,725 milligrams sodium.
1 teaspoon salt = 2,300 milligrams sodium.

Most people consume significantly more than this.


When you have too much sodium, your kidneys try to get rid of it through pee. If they can't remove enough, sodium builds up between cells.


High salt intake has been linked to a number of major health issues, including:

  • High blood pressure, heart disease.

  • Stroke causes liver damage.

  • Conditions such as osteoporosis and kidney disease.


In conclusion

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the claim that pink Himalayan salt is more beneficial to health than table salt.

Switching fine-grain table salt with crystal of pink Himalayan salt may assist to reduce sodium intake, but as with any other salt, it should be consumed moderately.


You can find an excellent selection of pink Himalayan salt available online from Canapaks, known for its 100% natural and high-quality products.