Canapaks Himalayan Salt Lamp: How To Use It? – CanaPaks
Himalayan Salt Lamp

Himalayan Salt Lamp: How To Use It?

Apr 15, 2024

Hassan Tariq

"Himalayan salt lamps are decoration lighting that you may purchase for your house. They are made of pink Himalayan salt and are believed to offer a variety of health advantages. In reality, advocates of salt lamps believe that they can purify the air in your home, relieve allergies, improve your mood, and help you sleep"


Some people claim that Himalayan salt lamps can improve air quality, boost mood, and aid with sleep. However, there is little evidence to support these claimed health benefits.


What Are The Salt Lamps, And Why Are They Used?

Himalayan salt lamps are created by inserting a light bulb into huge chunks of pink Himalayan salt. True Himalayan salt lamps are created from salt collected from Pakistan's Khewra Salt Mine. Salt from this area is thought to be millions of years old, and while it looks quite similar to table salt, the tiny amounts of minerals it contains give it a pinkish hue. Many individuals purchase Himalayan salt lamps because they like the way they look and the peace that the pink light provides in their homes. Meanwhile, some are drawn to their potential health benefits.


canapaks pink salt


How Do Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps Work?

Salt lamps are thought to have health benefits because they are "natural ionizers," which means they change the electrically charged particles of the flowing air. Ions are compounds with an uneven number of protons or electrons, which gives them a charge. They are naturally formed in the air as a result of atmospheric changes. Streams, storms, waves, natural radiation, and heat all generate air ions. They can also be generated artificially using commercially available air ionizers. It is thought that Himalayan salt lamps produce ions by attracting water particles, which evaporate as a salt solution when heated by the lamp, resulting in mainly negative ions. However, this theory is yet to be verified.


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What Are The Health Claims, And How Do They Measure Up?

They Enhance The Air Purity

They are promoted as helpful for persons suffering from allergies, asthma, or respiratory disorders such as cystic fibrosis. There is presently no proof that using a Himalayan salt lamp can eliminate harmful bacteria and enhance indoor air quality. The argument that they are beneficial to persons with respiratory issues may be based on the ancient technique of halotherapy. According to this therapy, persons with chronic respiratory diseases are helped by spending time in saltwater caves since salt is present in the air. Some researchers have found that this approach may be beneficial to specific respiratory disorders, but further high-quality studies are still needed.

Eases Coughing

As you are aware, the benefits listed in the previous section highlight the distinct characteristics of Himalayan salt lamps. When these lamps heat up, they emit negative ions that offset the positive ions in our surroundings, resulting in cleaner air quality. This process increases cilial activity in our airways, which aids in the removal substances from the lungs. In essence, Himalayan salt lamps act as natural air filters, promoting general health.

In a nutshell, Himalayan pink salt lamps not only remove impurities from the air but also assist your body filter air more efficiently, making sure any foreign particles you inhale do not enter your lungs.

They Can Help You Sleep

There have been no studies looking into the impact of Himalayan salt lamps on sleep. However, a 2013 study examining the effects of air ionization on relaxation and sleep found no evidence of a positive effect. Thus, even if salt lamps have an effect on the air environment, it is unknown whether this will change sleep patterns. If you replace strong electric lights with a Himalayan salt lamp, the dark light could help encourage weakness near the end of the day. This is because being exposed to bright light before bedtime can cause the sleep hormone melatonin to be produced later.



Himalayan salt lamps are said to improve air quality, elevate mood, and aid in sleep. However, there is right now insufficient evidence to support these statements.


Do Pink Salt Lamps Provide Any Benefits?

Although some of its health claims have not been verified by science, Himalayan salt lamps may provide additional benefits.

This includes:

  • They are attractive: If you like how they look, they could be a good addition to your home.
  • They help to create a soothing atmosphere that allows you to unwind.
  • They may help minimize light in the evening: If you have trouble sleeping, utilizing dim lights in the evening may help you fall asleep more quickly.


Further Ways to Purify Your Home Air

Himalayan pink salt lamps are not the only technique to improve your home's air quality. Pair them with air purifying houseplants or any of these other easy but incredible ways to naturally filter the air in your home, helping you and your family to breathe the healthiest, cleanest air imaginable!