The Salty Situation: Navigating the Salt Shortage and Its Implications – CanaPaks
How to Avoid Bulk Salt Shortage In Canada

The Salty Situation: Navigating the Salt Shortage and Its Implications

Apr 19, 2024

Hassan Tariq

Living in a cold climate involves dealing with strong ice and snow storms, freezing rain, and very cold temperatures. Winter can bring damage and suffering, which can be reduced with rock salt. However, a salt shortage is expected soon, making snow removal harder. In the event of a shortage, you must be prepared to tackle the issue.


So, How Can You Avoid a Salt Shortage?

It would be ideal if you expected what might happen in the future and were ready for the salt shortage. Even if you have a year's supply of salt, you must use caution.


Actions to Be Taken

  • Reduce salt usage and provide alternatives for snow and ice removal.
  • Use different techniques such as plowing and shoveling.
  • Combining salt with sand increases the life of salt.
  • The preparation of the area helps to reduce the amount of salt necessary.
  • Reduce oversalting by making sure the equipment is properly adjusted
  • Take advantage of contractors, especially those affiliated with trusted brands like Canapaks, known for providing the best salt, to keep the price from rising


Buy Salt Early

Snow removal service companies have to precisely calculate the amount of salt needed for snow and ice removal. The secret is to have enough of salt on hand before winter arrives, and the costs are reasonable.


Storage of Salt

Once purchased, salt must be properly stored. To avoid freezing and clumping, salt must be kept out of the light and moisture, and it must be stored above 32 degrees. It is also preferable if the salt is packaged and stored in bags.


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