Advantage of Having Turmeric Before Bed – CanaPaks
Turmeric Before Bed

Advantage of Having Turmeric Before Bed

May 04, 2024

Hassan Tariq


We all realize that a good night's sleep can make or break our day. Without the usual seven to eight hours of sleep, we can feel tired and even unhappy the next day! In this post, we'll look at how turmeric can help us sleep better at night, why it's healthy for us, and how to include it in our daily routine.


Is Turmeric Good for You?

Turmeric tea may be your savior; this brilliant substance is vital for providing your body with crucial minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory effects. With several health benefits, including improved heart health and the potential to help prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer. Turmeric is a popular medical spice from the ginger family that can help improve sleep quality while also lowering stress, enhancing mood, and increasing calmness.



The Benefits of Adding More Turmeric to Your Diet

So, what are the advantages of including more turmeric in your diet? As mentioned before, turmeric is ideal for sleep! One of the most common reasons for poor sleep is being unable to switch off at night. This is usually due to high amounts of stress, anxiety, or a racing mind - which is where turmeric comes in! Turmeric can reduce anxiety, so adding this great spice to your sleep routine will help you relax while also easing any negative moods.


How to Include Turmeric into Your Daily Routine

There are numerous ways to include this essential spice into your daily routine. First, why not try adding it to your meals? Turmeric pairs beautifully with some of the most popular curry recipes, giving them an extra spicy kick.

Supplements are another approach to ensure that you get enough turmeric in your diet. This is often regarded as more convenient (assuming you remember to bring them!) However, be careful to examine the overall composition, as anti-caking chemicals and fillers added to some supplements can often exceed the benefit or even impair absorption!

Drinking turmeric tea on a regular basis is our preferred strategy to increase our consumption. we focus on shaping wellness with fresh, outstanding ingredients, and turmeric is often used in a variety of products. We usually fuel Turmeric with Black Pepper since it can boost intake by up to 2000%! We supplement with other powerful herbs that work well with turmeric.

For example, in the Golden Milk Inviting Sleep Wellness Loose Leaf Tea, we combine turmeric with black pepper, rooibos, ashwagandha, lotus blossom, and lavender to create a creamy, comforting wellness tea that is ideal for calming down before bed and is caffeine-free. This blend with powerful herb characteristics helps decrease stress and support a healthy immune system.


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